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0 Pemberitahuan Idul Qurban

Berdasarkan hasil rapat Takmir Masjid Baiturrahman pada hari Senin, 26 Oktober 2009 bahwa Hari Raya dan Pelaksanaan Idul Qurban 1430 H jatuh pada Jum'at 27 November 2009
Sehubungan dengan itu bagi Bapak/Ibu/Sdr yang mampu untuk melaksanakan Qurban, Panitia bersedia melaksanakan pengumpulan, pembelian lembu, penyembelihan dan pendistribusian daging Qurban.

Adapun ketentuannya sebagai berikut :

1. Sebagai perkiraan harga setiap satu ekor Lembu Rp.8.400.000,- diperuntukkan 7 org Shohibul Qurban @ Rp.1.200.000,- (sudah termasuk biaya penyembelihan).
2. Remaja Masjid menyediakan hewan Qurban Kambing dengan harga Rp. 1.000.000,-
3. Penyerahan Hewan qurban Kambing kepada Panitia pada hari Kamis(26/11/2009) waktu siang/sore ditambah biaya Rp. 25.000,-

Untuk itu, kepada Bapak/Ibu/Sdr yang bermaksud Qurban lembu dimohon SEGERA mendaftarkan nama (bisa melalui via telpon ) kepada Panitia/Takmir/Remaja Masjid Baiturrahman. atau hotline : 3041170

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0 Eidul Adha (10th of Thw al-Hijjah)

Following the day of Hajj or Pilgrimage (9th of Thw al-Hijjah), it comes the Eidul Adha day. It begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar. This is the second main annual festival in Islam. On this day, like on the Eidul Fitr celebration, festivities begin with a prayer service held in an open place in the morning of the first day. This prayer is usually attended by a large number of Muslims. Since this festival occurs immediately after the Day of Pilgrimage, those who go to make pilgrimage celebrate it in Mina, near Makkah. Other Muslims around the world also join with the pilgrims in their joy and thanksgiving.

One significance of Eidul Adha is that it is a time of sacrifice. Muslims commemorate Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice everything for Allah including his beloved son, Ismael. Since Allah gave Prophet Abraham a lamb to sacrifice instead of sacrificing his son, Muslims also offer the sacrifice of animals. The sacrifice can be done after the prayer on the 10th until 12th day of Thw al-Hijjah month before sunset. The meat of the animals is given to needy people and friends and a portion of it is also kept for one's own consumption. Often people cook this meat during holidays, make feasts and enjoy the celebration.

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